The Firefly Companion's Guild

Building community and heart into the Firefly 'verse

I thought I should post this here to add to the collection.

Learning Love
by Lysana (FireBride) McMillan

A poem I set out to write
My topic deeply mined
For love's a constant subject
To writers thus inclined

Being an emotion
It's better felt than seen
And much of its expressions
May say less than they mean

If love is in the doing
As many choose to think
Speaking it can bring a pause
And drop it out of sync

But forge ahead is how I go
This arrow flying straight
Seeking to unveil the words
My thoughts to intimate

Caught myself on history
Past languages involved
In crafting prose on feelings
Which truly have evolved

Stepped away from older lines
And distanced reverie
Tuned into my inner core
And what I've come to be

Thought back on my learning
In Guild and other ways
And what I found important
From all my prior days

Everything I looked at
Led to what I know
That I learned best how to love
By learning to let go

Shedding older burdens
And expectation's loads
Liberated heart and mind
To travel newer roads

Opening to others
Both groups and single minds
Showed to me compassion
And attachment's subtle binds

Stepping off a staircase
Headed for a floor
Not all feet are meant to trod
Gave me even more

I still learn, and in that learning
Find love's deeper ways
Carry me down other paths
And brighten many days

From softest touch to hottest fire
Further still I'll go
'til love's last destination
Full peace on me bestow

Views: 23

Comment by Varahi Lusch on October 30, 2016 at 12:54am

Thank you for posting this here lysana.. it's nice to give it a good thorough look at :)


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