The Firefly Companion's Guild

Building community and heart into the Firefly 'verse

Computer, open log VS-DC001.




Following the events of Unification Day, and my meeting with the Mayor of Spinwheel City, Starfleet's Corps of Engineers are planning the layout of the Embassy. With three floors, I imagine that we will ensure that we divide it into areas that are clear to follow. For example, my initial plan looks at a general enquiry and information centre on the ground floor, the embassy itself on the second floor and an area of meetings with the local government and our allies on the third. But given that I was never an engineer, I suspect I will defer to the experts on this. Medical research was more my background...


Following my recent procedure, I am enjoying the restful respite offered at Spinwheel City. My Imzadi came to join me last night, and we will be enjoying the hospitality of the Guild. Everyone I have met has been most welcoming, and I am very pleased that I took this posting as a secondary billet.


Once I return to formal duties, I must meet with Starfleet Security, Starfleet Intelligence and my strategists to determine the various threat levels and to ascertain how we move forward with bolstering our defences.


End recording


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