Building community and heart into the Firefly 'verse
Views: 2487
Just expressing a feeling :-)
Just found out something that may be of interest to any furniture builders in the Guild. AVSitter will be going Open Source at the end of July.
Last week, I was invited to be on a SL podcast called the Drax Files. While this blog entry may not mention my name since I'm apparently not famous enough (whatever that means in SL), I am in this and even got the Guild worked into it for a moment during my introduction.
Thanks lysana :)) He is interviewing me for a different reason and so I am sure the Guild will be of further interest to him now you have planted the seed :)
Lysana McMillan said:
Last week, I was invited to be on a SL podcast called the Drax Files. While this blog entry may not mention my name since I'm apparently not famous enough (whatever that means in SL), I am in this and even got the Guild worked into it for a moment during my introduction.
I came across this article on "Compassion Baiting" that might be worth reading.
Zen, that article is amazing. I've seen that in action and probably have also done it as well. It's all mixed in with tone policing and false equivalence, both of which are serious problems that are judged to be appropriate by a lot of people who aren't victimized by either. So glad to see that discussed.
The East Meets West dance event, photos and pages by Carlyle and the Savoy crew:
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