Gege Joe and I both experienced what I dubbed a charisma spike shortly after our respective fourth Encounters. Or during in my case; while at Frank's Place for dancing, someone IMed me out of the crowd there and even used the "come here often" line. He presaged a small deluge of attention which happened whether I was out by myself or not. This appears to be fading with time.
Without getting into long detail, I am left wondering if escort services are as prone to attempt to poach workers as clubs are. I had some interesting events happen with a man who works at a rather expensive brothel that set off some alarm bells with friends. I'm keeping my eyes open accordingly. Of course, the fact I'm a first-term acolyte and not exactly becoming an escort makes the very idea I might get approached in such a fashion amusing to me. *shrugs wide* After eight years on the grid, I should know anything can happen and usually does, right?
I am grateful that my geges and jiejies are giving with support and information. Dee's always been there for me, and Lady Grail was also very helpful during my midterm interview with her. Her class on traditions was very solid information to gain as well.
The RP was fun. I look forward to that continuing once everyone involved is able to come inworld again.
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