The Firefly Companion's Guild

Building community and heart into the Firefly 'verse

That was soul-baring. So not used to my deeper intimacies being exposed to a wider audience. How thankful I am once again for the love and support of the Guild. Would've been impossible for me to do that in a less supportive space.

And in saying that, it strikes me that I have no problem with sex in a wider-access frame. The soul-baring wasn't the sex. It was the love that I know was communicated. It's not as if I haven't had sex with someone I love at that ritual before, either.


Oh, of course. Something we'd kept private before was made public in a non-traditional fashion. And the energy we generate between us was shared with a wider audience. I was worried we wouldn't do it right or weren't doing it right the entire time despite feeling the same bond I always do. Performance anxiety, let me show you it.

However, the one person I've spoken with so far loved it and nobody muted us that I could tell. I'd call that a win.

And would I do that again? Oh, absolutely.

Views: 51

Comment by Varahi Lusch on July 12, 2015 at 1:06am

You set us all off on what became a marvellous sharing of energies - I find that when I am with a larger group of people making love, the feeling expressed by others who are 'not in direct contact' with me sort of just wash over me - along with a lot of other feelings. So my literary critic has no time to manifest ;))

I hope you will forgive My disclaimer here as I take a moment also to confirm that the Ritual is not a Companion's Guild event per se.. in some ways it is My celebration that we can live whatever lifestyle we like, regardless of whether we are a member or not. It's funny after things are established people do not tend to question them but when I started with this separate project and idea of mine there was a sizeable uproar. My rights as High Priestess of the Companion's Guild are the same as any other in the Guild - and that is to do whatever I like in my spare time ;) Feel supported on your path by Sisters and Brothers who are committed to Openness as we journey through LIFE!! :))

Comment by Lysana McMillan on July 12, 2015 at 8:49am

Ahhh, this explains a few things I'd wondered about. And I'm so glad it went well for you.


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