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"Thank you Lady Hengeyokai."
"You're welcome and thank you, Lady Zai."
Gael mused to herself as she pressed a thumb to a data pad to 'sign' the land rental agreement she and Jubilynn had worked over. Over six and a half centuries, she'd gained quite a few names, with Zai Xian, the name given to her by Mother Varahi upon the advent of her becoming a registered Companion, being the newest. Now, as liason, as she thought of it, to the Botany Bay colony, it seemed 'Lady Zai' might be added to the list as well.
"Hopefully just Xian, Jubilynn," She said, smilng, "at least when we don't have to be formal. Or even Gael still. But I won't hold you. I'm sure you've plenty to keep you occupied and I should see about getting a tea house built."
She had just rented a small parcel of land on the island the Hengeyokai Enclave called home on Botany Bay. Close enough to be easy to get to but far enough away, and isolated by a low ridge to be nice and private for the business of being a companion.
The next few hours were spent in talking to a handful of contractors to arrange the construction of that tea house. That was actually fairly easy. An hour on the comm with a man the contractor she'd chosen recommended as a sign painter proved...interesting. Most of the time was trying to make certain the man knew she was saying "Xian's Tea House."
She'd just had enough time from the end of that conversation to get to the Sol Cantina and a soft cusion and glass of wine when a servant came up to her.
"A message, Lady Zai..."
She was led to a console secluded in a corner of the cantina.
"Yes...this is'll be there as quick as I can manage."
She turned to the servant who had remained nearby but discretely out of hearing and visual range, "Please tell Lady Hengeyokai that a situation has arisen on Paquin that requires my being there and I will return as soon as I may. Thank you."
The flight itself as smooth. Much smoother than the tumbling of her thoughts. She practiced her meditation, she practiced stillness. But her mind whirled away. The landing at Spinwheel City was troublesome as security was much tighter but her credentials were all correct and in order, and her sister, Fa-Le Yan, applied enough grease from her side to let the ship approach, enter and land.
They spoke for a time, Yan filling in the details that could not be trusted over the comm link. Mother Varahi was overdue from her appointment with the Ambassador of the Orions. Acolyte Deebrane...the Taksimi as she was to Gael...had crash-landed her ship into the ocean just off of Dakini Island. The crash was suspiscious; indications of attack...disruptor fire...Deebrane in Keajra Hospital in Spinwheel.
Gael managed to remain long enough to thank her and made her way to the hospital at a speed just slighlty slower than the starship between Botany Bay and Paquin.
Only to be stonewalled by the hospital administration. Deebrane was in isolation. No, she couldn't say what her condition was. No, no visitors were allowed because the isolation was as much because Deebrane wasn't human.
"We're not really well equipped for non-human patiences, Companion Zai," She was told. "We feel this is best both for her safety as that of our other patients and staff."
"Then I shall remain here until I may see her or until I know she is recovered." She replied and took one of the seats on the lobby.
And remained there, unmoving, for the next week.
Gael had turned her thoughts inward, working mightily to calm herself. It wasn't exactly telepathy, more an empathic rapport, but she did what she could to project calm and love towards Deebrane, her Taksimi. Doing so also helped to keep her mind from wandering down...darker pathways. Even so, unconsciously, her right hand curled itself around the hilt of a sword that was not there.
Thus she remained for a week until she received a weak, 'Akemi?' through that rapport. Her hand relaxed and her eyes opened. She offered a smile to the receptionist, a different person from when she had arrived.
"Thank you," She said, "I know Deebrane will be alright. Let her know I'll return soon. I need to finish up a matter elsewhere."
Gael left the hospital and ran into Hilary on the way back to the spaceport. They talked for a while, each filling in the other with a bit of information; what each knew or could tell openly of what they knew.
"I'm going back to Botany Bay, I need to see if my tea house is completed," Gael said, "Would you like to come along?"
Hilary accepted and it was a pleasant trip back to the other planet. Then a short trip to her tea house.
It was a simple structure, rough wood stained dark, cream-colored walls, two rooms. Gael walked slowly around it and came to the front to the sound of Hilary laughing.
That laughter was soon joined by her own as she read the sign painted on the tea house's wall.
After a few minutes, Gael, Zai Xian, Akemi, Lady Zai, spoke, "If you say if fast enough, I suppose it's right."
On the side of the house, in a font similar to that used by House Hengeyokai, was a sign proudly displaying...
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/me grins at the degenerated name, so typical of the Chinese Whispers effect when one culture passes on a word to another but usually taking far longer.
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