The Firefly Companion's Guild

Building community and heart into the Firefly 'verse

   We probably all realize that Second Life is shrinking. Sims are disappearing faster than new ones are added. People die or leave faster than new ones come into the world. Maybe in physical reality the universe is expanding, but in Second Life it's contracting. For Firefly RP sims in particular, the "Verse is shrinking.

   This is probably part of an overall shrinkage of interest in SL, as well as decreased interest in the "Firefly" TV show & "Serenity" movie. There are still a few Firefly sims in SL though, even the occasional new one, such as Amelia Springs, on the planet of Cressida II. After a recent exploration of the 'Verse in SL, I found 5 full regions that are predominantly Firefly based and 3 remnants of earlier regions that had been predominantly Firefly based. The current full regions are The Verse (part of the Araxes regions), Korolev Station at Korsta (and adjacent Korsta Banks), Outpost Fury, Caliban (a moon outpost of Miranda), and Cressida II. The remnant sims are Xio Caodi City, Washburn Spaceport at Burnet, and a BlueSun Corp Headquarters compound at Bagworm (next to the Washburn remnant).

   I think the remaining sims should try to network and promote intersim RP more. Korolev Station has a teleport board to other Firefly sims, but I haven't see the same sort of thing on the others. The Companion's Guild has houses on all of the existing full Firefly sims except Caliban (which wouldn't have one because it's such a small, remote colony). It also has houses on sims that are not sci-fi RP sims. I think there needs to be an Alliance city with a Companion House on it. Was there one at Xin Coadi City? That seems to be the only remaining fragment of an Alliance city left in SL. The owner seems to be rebuilding, but I'm not sure what's going on with that sim. There is also abandoned mainland next to the Washburn remnant and the BlueSun headquarters, if anyone is interested in building there.

  I believe it's possible to roleplay a Firefly or Companion House story in non-Firefly sims. But I also think we should try to support those who are trying to maintain Firefly RP sims in SL by networking with them and sharing their tier costs by renting space with them when possible.

Views: 55

Comment by Varahi Lusch on September 16, 2015 at 3:59am

Dear Persephone,

Thank you for your concern in this.. I think caring about extended roleplay and support is an important attitude to cultivate - especially on an individual level. On an institutional level, as High Priestess, I have to say negotiations are a little more complicated and often based on years of relationship, understandings (or misunderstandings) and longterm backstories between characters that are not always clear to see from first look.

All our Companion Houses have very organic reasons for existing, and will continue to exist for their own reasons, often being ‘born’ in response to request from a Sim Owner or being an individual project of a Companion that has been blessed by the High Priestess to continue under the ‘banner’ of the Bó'ài Hónglián Companion's Guild. In the case of Tranquility for example.. this is a project coordinated by Companion Xiong Yu - it is not for anyone other than herself to ponder on and make decisions the financial implications of her project, only for us to appreciate Her goodwill.

As you say we have Houses on many sims.. some more Firefly than others. All of the Firefly ones you mention that we do not have a house at are unpopulated by us for a reason. One of the main reasons is because there has been personality differences between sim owners and players that has led to past difficulties and social upset. It is hard to know what to say about such things but I am sure people are very aware that networking in SL can sometimes be far from simple and I am sure that people here would not mind me saying that at times I as High Priestess (someone caring for an extended community) have been treated unfairly.

So the fact that we are not all chummy and working together is just part of SL - there are numerous Star Trek groups that see things very differently from each other for example. We already pay a great deal of tier to various sim owners - our connection rent wise with The Verse for example goes back to 2010 and has supported several reinventions and updates of the sim by the sim owner. It is up to sim owners themselves to encourage renters and roleplay engagement, it is part of the responsibility one takes on when deciding to pay for so many prims and a private server that is accessible to them more or less 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

All this said.. new projects pop up all the time and their organic development in the Bó'ài Hónglián Companion's Guild tends to be supported - so long as it is agreed and accepted by the Priestesses, as people who have been around long to enough to gain experience, an understanding of the personalities involved and who will be taking on ultimate responsibility for it in the minds of those both in and surrounding the Guild should any complications occur.

Comment by Persephone Emerald on September 17, 2015 at 1:16pm

I rewrote my initial post on this subject after you asked me to remove the SLURL links I'd included. When I rewrote it I also removed any references to specific Companion Houses, having considered that their individual choices where not my concern. I do realize that personality conflicts and even bigger conflicts often develop in SL. I've been involved in other sims that had such problems. What I'm suggesting is that where there are not big conflicts between sim or group owners, there could be more linkage between sims, such as the teleport board on Korolev Station. There are general Firefly roleplay groups too, which I assume were created to promote intersim RP. The largest has about 530 members, but I guess I haven't been in it long enough to see posts for RP scenarios.

Comment by Varahi Lusch on September 17, 2015 at 4:06pm

*nods* If you want to set up a system that links sims - go right ahead. It's not an easy job and I have seen numerous people try it and run out of energy. The reason why the board at Korolev exists is that it's an old one that was gradually less and less supported as 'big conflicts' erupted gradually between sim and group owners - its likely it hasn't been updated since its creator placed it there years ago. When I had sims we had that teleporter ourselves. Contact group owners if you want to send notices and promote intersim RP in specific groups - go for it! Contact the owners, ask permission for notice sending powers and become a diplomat - start with the one with 530 members and let us know how it goes :)) I'm afraid I have to say.. that just as the individual choices of the specific Companion Houses are not your concern, in the same way you can't tell where there are 'not' difficulties between sims until you bed yourself in and get a real feeling for their communities.

Anybody got other thoughts on this? People like me are unlikely to want to talk about problems that have occurred in the past - they are more likely to want to smile, nod and continue with the Roleplay they and the sim owner are currently happy with. From that perspective you are unlikely to be able to tell whether they have an issue of not. The role of a Companion, in canon, is to respond often to request - which we are always ready to do. Acting on or making suggestions before such a request comes in is quite likely to be coloured by our own projections and zap us of the potential energy to act when needed. Like a practitioner of Martial arts.. our Venusian arts are a source of great energy which we apply when stimulated directly and til then we focus on our own core energy, strengthening and preparing it. In my mind this applies to every part of what we do. Others may have their own ideas of course.. but I suspect this linkage idea is something that inspires you particularly, Persephone, as our other roleplayers so far have been contented to just move forward either on an individual level or as part of working with a team with projects such as our Boai Maoyi Trading Company.

Comment by Grail Arnica on September 19, 2015 at 2:09pm

((Transcripted from a message dictated in sign language from Priestess Grail, who continues in her oath of silence))

Dear one; 

Because our principal mission is a culture of training in diplomacy, artfulness, passion, and creativity, we encourage all who find us to think deeply and practice patience as eternal students of the Guild. We ask that you bring your ideas for how you wish to enlarge your experience of our roleplay to the teachers we have assembled for you, speaking always to your jiejies and geges, or your Priestesses when a great idea comes to you. It will always be considered, discussed in respect of our long history, and brought to our High Priestess after reflection by the Priestesses in the weekly Elements' meetings. We ask you to trust that you will always be heard. Thank you for your attention! In love and service to our Guild, Ren Yan, RC, Companion Priestess of the Boai Honglian Companions' Guild ((Sangreal Arnica))

Comment by Persephone Emerald on September 19, 2015 at 4:55pm

Thank you for your considered responses, High Priestess Varahi & Priestess Grail. I realize I would do well to be patient and mindful of diplomacy in this endeavor


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