Building community and heart into the Firefly 'verse
I found the Companions perhaps by chance, perhaps by fate, who knows? I met the lovely Citty one night at a club and we had a nice chance to cuddle and talk and were friends right away. As fate in SL falls I had to log but we friended to meet again. How was I to know that it would be the next day? Ok, ok, so she told me she wanted to invite me to a class, but let a girl have some drama will you? (Just the good kind! Like in plays and movies! I love movies, and shiny things, have I told you I can get distracted?) Ok, I don't know how that happened, but she IMed me when it was time for the class and asked if I had time to come. She hadn't told me a thing about the class or the Companions and just TPed me in. It was a wonderful class oh how to say NO when you had to and it came at a time when it was very helpful to me.
Ok, that was long enough, now it's time for a new paragraph! During the class I IMed her and squeeled, ok, ok, I know what this is! She said "oh really", and I said yes, the Companions, like in Firefly (having watched the show many times!). She said yes and that she thought I'd fit in and that I'd like it (we did have a lonnnngggg talk the night before). So that first lass was on saying NO when you needed to and it came at a time in my SL when hearing that really helped me. Interestingly, the next class was on what finding the Companions had met to you, and so I spoke up (having been shy at my first class) and said that that first class had helped me when I needed it and I'd really thought about it a lot. And I decided than when it was important what you needed to do was think about yourself, who are you inside and what's important to you, what things mean to you, and that you'd know the answer (ok, this was more long winded, I wasn't that elloquent the first time, but I tried). It helped me say No when I needed to because doing anything else would have been to reject who I was. If for no other reason I was ever so happy to find this wonderful group.
i got the application and took way to long to fill it out but I finally did and turned it in and became a part of the Companions Guild. I'm a Companion Alcolyte and happy as I am, every class I take I learn more about myself and the others in the Guild and knowing that it's a safe place to share I hope helps everyone speak up, I know it does me. *giggles* maybe to much some days.
So, what has finding the Companions met to me? It's meant finding a wonderful group of women and men that accepts me for who I am, sometimes the giggly little blonde girl, sometimes maybe saying something in class, but always me. And no matter what happens in the future at one time when I really needed it the Companions helped me remember that it's ok to be who you are, it's not always about pleasing the other person and that even when you take actions to please another it's important to remember who you are and be happy with that.
Lerris Bedrosian
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