The Firefly Companion's Guild

Building community and heart into the Firefly 'verse

Found an interesting website concerning Companion style topics? Meditation, virtual world dynamics, Firefly websites, art of love? Lets share them here :)

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An article from the Independent Review which shows that the Government, not the people, were the true source of violence in the Old West. You can download the whole article as a PDF:
A great article about the strong female in fiction, concentrating on River, Buffy and Ripley from the Alien movies:

Concepts in kimono...


Whenever and however did this venerable list of praiseworthy social skills......emininity, respect, presence, charm, humor, kindness, intellect, sensitivity..... (of the Geisha) become politically incorrect?


A great website where film artists are sharing their work. When people aren't thinking of pleasing the big guns to enable them to produce many many DVDs and get a slot on the big screen I imagine their inspiration and creativity can flow in all sorts of ways - kind of like it is for us in SL with our anonymity. Thought you guys might enjoy having access to some things that could remain hidden in their obscurity. Enjoy your chips, dips and RL snuggles alongside an odd movie :-p

Despite the protests of PETA (people for the ethical treatment of...arachnids?) The golden orb spiders used were fed quite well. Hungry spiders make silk webs to catch food, fed spiders can spin even more silk (It's a protien thing...) And it was certainly more humane, if a lot longer in-process, than the standard method of gathering silk for garments. Boiled silkworm, anyone?


Thanks for this information Gael, it seems as if it was tenderness all round and the garment itself is bound to be treated as a celebration of such a collaboration :)


This was in my local paper the other day and the cover picture put me immediately in mind of Mother Varahi :)


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