The Firefly Companion's Guild

Building community and heart into the Firefly 'verse

Found an interesting website concerning Companion style topics? Meditation, virtual world dynamics, Firefly websites, art of love? Lets share them here :)

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A little something worth listening to for several reasons. First off, it's a fun little piece of story; even if it is of the 'shaggy dog' variety. Secondly, the host of the episode ties the story into being of the same 'space western' genre as Firefly...and then goes into a lovely little essay about Firefly, mourning its too-brief time with us, and dealing with that loss.


And I think that is what several of us have done with the Companion Guild. Not so much mourning, but dealing with the loss by celebrating its existence and continuing it in our own fashion here in Second Life.

Earth scientists have discovered the first known instance of a 'Verse - a multiple star system with planets orbiting stars orbiting other stars.

nice! :-)

Very smooth!
Fascinating insight.

I love this - what an open heart :))

And I would say that participating in any level of Enjoyment with someone we care for is an expression of love, of being lovers...

A while ago I had adopted someone in SL as my uncle. I love him with all my heart. He's one of the few people I've met who seems to understand what I mean when I say wanting intimacy and affection isn't the same thing as wanting sex.

For me, the first pleasure is like a gentle stream, the second is a babbling brook fed by the stream, and the third is a beautiful, shady pool into which the brook flows. When I wade into that pool, I can feel a hint of an undertow drawing me towards the exciting rapids of the fourth pleasure. But ... I'm in this lovely pool, and the rocks hidden in the rapids frighten me, so I reach out to the others wading here with me, and share the joy of this special place with them.
Beautifully put :-)
Ummm ... that answer was a lot longer than I had planned. A shorter answer is, based on my understanding of what it means to be a lover, I believe it's possible to be lovers without having sex.


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