The Firefly Companion's Guild

Building community and heart into the Firefly 'verse

Varahi Lusch's Blog (12)

Inspiring games - which do you play?

Okami game is on Steam - I really recommend this brush-stroke based game based on the adventures of the Japanese Sun Goddess Amaterasu! It's such a great game for all ages and at the same time is intimacy and 'normal life' positive, its explores myth, Japanese culture and the life of rural people. Even has ecology and fighting for good at it's root!…


Added by Varahi Lusch on September 8, 2020 at 3:42am — No Comments

Great song about a Lady trying to hide her light.. under a bushel? We know she has a greater destiny!

Whenever she's feeling empty

Whenever she's feeling insecure

Whenever her face is frozen

Unable to fake it anymore
Her shadow is always with her

Her shadow could always keep her small

So frightened that he won't love her

She builds up a wall
Oh no, she knows where to hide in the…

Added by Varahi Lusch on August 3, 2020 at 4:28am — 1 Comment

Strange and unusual cultures (and languages) MANGA

As Companions we may often find ourselves on planets or experiencing cultures... Even as we are disorientated, diplomacy will be at the top of our goals in order to establish the best for both ourselves and others (possibly our potential clients or their friends). It's not an easy path taking our first steps in this ((but also a really interesting perspective and path for roleplay and establishing our character)).

I discovered this Manga which could be fun to read to pass the time and…


Added by Varahi Lusch on July 8, 2020 at 4:24am — 1 Comment

Abuse and Recovery

I know that some of our members are surviors of abuse and I found a good online course and advice for those who have. I is hard opening your heart when past relationships have been bad or even abusive.. I want to praise people who are able to continue to do self development whilst carrying such wounds. Clients too can have suffered in these ways so awareness and kindness to the self can spread for everyone's benefit xx…


Added by Varahi Lusch on July 21, 2019 at 4:30am — No Comments

Let's not give love a bad name...

You Give Love a Bad Name

Added by Varahi Lusch on November 15, 2018 at 3:30am — No Comments

A 'wicked woman' defends her right to be free and beautiful (from early 17th Century text Don Quixote)

Marcela is attending the funeral of a man who died of lovesickness for her.. having found his love to be unrequited...

"I come not, Ambrosia for any of the purposes thou hast named," replied Marcela, "but to defend myself and to prove how unreasonable are all those who blame me for their sorrow and for Chrysostom's death; and therefore I ask all of you that are here to give me your attention, for will not take much time or many words to bring the truth home to persons of…


Added by Varahi Lusch on March 17, 2018 at 8:07am — 3 Comments

Feminist Shrine

An outreach project of Xiaojie Companion House (though we are open to having Feminist Shrines throughout Second Life where they would be requested and helpful).. the Feminist Shrine has been established for about 6 months now. We have been celebrating some amazing women and their contributions to Second Life!

The current lady being celebrated is Strawberry Singh; a blogger, media activist, SL fashion enthusiast and teacher. Her relationship with Second Life is continually evolving and…


Added by Varahi Lusch on March 19, 2017 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Returning to Dakini Land

As I know that it is of great benefit to others to hear about the journey of one's particular self I have decided to apply myself, between my other duties, to writing a High Priestess's blog. It will mostly be IC and I will try to write one a month. I hope others will be encouraged to give it a try who have not as yet :)

It had been a good two years or so since we left Dakini Land, an island of Paquin which we had moved to from Sihnon a long time ago. We had been given special…


Added by Varahi Lusch on September 20, 2016 at 11:15am — No Comments

Famous Courtesans..

Choosing to live a life of love historically has always been hard for the female sex. All simple choices involved ownership by one man or another... or perhaps celibacy through being embraced by a Convent of various religions.

As anyone can attest to... love is often far from simple and straightforward.. to learn it well is a little like learning the subtleties of an instrument. No wonder women who learned to steer such a course in their lives were often labelled as…


Added by Varahi Lusch on September 22, 2015 at 4:18am — 2 Comments

High Priestess Space Tour, Autumn 2015 Day 1 (part 1)

Waiting for shuttle to arrive..... It was a sunny day on Paquin at the Spirit Bath House where we awaited the shuttle to take us on a week long tour through space. We had our bags packed and were ready to face whatever can come out of a journey during which we would visit miriad planets with a exceedingly different atmosphere on each. How can we not discover ourselves without…


Added by Varahi Lusch on September 8, 2015 at 2:43am — No Comments

Imagine a Woman..

Imagine a woman who is interested in her own life.

A woman who embraces her life as teacher, healer, and challenge.

Who is grateful for the ordinary moments of beauty and grace.

Imagine a woman who participates in her own life.

A woman who meets each challenge with creativity.

Who takes action on her own behalf with clarity and strength.

Imagine a woman who has crafted a fully-formed solitude.

A woman who is available to herself.

Who chooses…


Added by Varahi Lusch on August 13, 2015 at 5:49am — 1 Comment

I was just thinking.....

About the two types of Sci-Fi Fiction/Roleplay.

It seems to me there are two main types... them that believe in Earth and them that don't - am I wrong?

Any series, film or book that explores a Universe that don't include Earth can be a harder and more technical place to be imaginative in - their Flora, Fauna, Culture, Communities will be made up of things that we most possibly would have to learn from scratch in order to 'fit' in and understand properly (unless we were able to…


Added by Varahi Lusch on October 6, 2014 at 9:04am — 3 Comments

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